The Challenge

After a successful infrastructure “Lift & Shift” to the cloud, E-b-trans was eager to explore further Cloud capabilities. Eviden, an atos business therefore decided to engage in a Full Cloud “Serverless” POC whose objective was to demonstrate feasibility and identify possible issues.

It consisted of the delivery of 2 apps (Angular and Android), as well as an architecture rework to integrate and deploy those.

Beyond business objectives in terms of enhanced communication capabilities with the drivers and between them to allow for greater flexibility when managing the fleet, this project constituted a clear step further to the adoption of a full-Cloud architecture including Applications’ refactoring.


The Solution

For this project we implemented many services to create a real serverless Solution, leveraging the many benefits of native cloud development.

For this solution, Eviden, an atos business used the following services / frameworks:

  • DynamoDB,
  • AppSync
  • Cognito Identity Pool
  • API Gateway
  • Lambda
  • S3
  • Cloudwatch
  • Angular App
  • Android App
  • Cloud Formation

Despite the apparent complexity of the services architecture, Eviden, an atos business managed to deliver the POC in about a week, as all AWS services are seamlessly integrated.

Further evolutions have already been discussed, which would bring E-b-trans’ ecosystem closer to becoming full-cloud.



The Outcome

Deploying those applications using AWS SDK for development, brings many benefits.

The Development is fully serverless, which means there are no servers to maintain, no patches to administer, and no administration costs.

The solution is meant for communication optimization and limited network consumption. When it is not in use, there is no cost, so it is a highly cost-effective solution.

Eviden, an atos business also enhanced security and eliminated points of failure, except for technical bricks we did not evolve, creating a much more reliable solution. By remaining aligned with AWS standards for development and deployment, we make sure the solution will be easy to maintain or enhance. And as it relies on AWS services that are regularly updated, we also benefit from those.